Wallenpaupack graduates share stories "Success cannot come without an education, Kayla acknowledged. Rakel Galeano, Class leader, Knows the class of 2014 will have plenty of successes in life based on achievements they already had at the high school. She also said her graduating class received praise as a intelligent and athletic classes in the school's history. Class valedictorian Benjamin Gendelman shared stories about his time in the Wallenpaupack Area School location. His final suffer from, When he found himself trying to find a gas station on roads he had never traveled, supported as his final advice to his fellow peers. "There's no denying that seniors' enrollment in Ivy League and other top notch institutions is something which puts us above the rest, Rakel thought. Class salutatorian Kayla Askey hopes her fellow graduates will continue to seek knowledge to accomplish their goals in their future endeavours. 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"you need to be ready to take an unfamiliar road, And you've got to be ready to change your destination along the way, Benjamin reported. "Set your aspirations high, Because if you're only driving about the same roads you're always going to stay in the same area, When the 2014 graduates of Wallenpaupack Area twelfth grade entered the gymnasium in their purple and white caps and gowns, Their presence marked a motorola milestone phone in the school's history. LeAnne Ahern, Matthew Ahner, Samantha Allatto, Leighana Anolfo, Heriberto Aponte, Kayla Askey, andrew Avissato, Krystal Ayers, Alec Babyak, Connor Badoud, Katlyn Bakker, Emelia shot, Alden Barker, Jeanine Barnes, Jessica Barnes, Dominick Basilicata, Justin Bates, Heidi Becker, Katie Beil, Keith Belcher, Robyn Belmont, Kristen Benesz, Danielle Berghoff, Nicholas Beury, Jamel Blanding, Glenn Blessington, Anthony Bouselli, Nina Breuer, Joshua links, Emily Brodhead, Codee red, Savannah redhead, ernest Brush, joseph Budnovitch, Drianna Buonocore, Mark tv, Stephean chanel celine outlet wire, nancy Caccese, luke Camuso, Kyle cannon, Holly Casadevall, Rachel Chojnacki, Natalie christopher, Emily Ciaravino, Leon Cichinsky, Victoria Ciszak, Katelyn Clark, Olivia offer, Justin Clouse, Macie Coffman, Chyenne Cole, hair straighteners Cole, thomas Collins, Mackenzie Conrad, raised Cosentino, Steven Costa, Liam Cunningham, Madison Cuomo, designer Dalessio, Bradley Day, walker Day, hope that Decker, Matthew Decristan, Tiffany Demchuk, jesse Denney, Erica Denniston, Nicholas Denniston, jules DeSanti, Albert DesChenes, Benjamin Dietsch, Kristina DiGiampaolo, Arielle Dill, Jonathan Doty, Kristen Dowd, Kyle Dowling, Sean Duncan, ryan Egger, Raeann Ehrhardt, Lindsey Eichler, Rebecca Elliott, Myra Fahmy, Brendon Farnsworth, Shane Farrell, Ethen Faulkner, Tyler Ferber, Tabitha Fisher, Damian Flores, Anais men and women, silpada Fotusky, Rebecca Francesconi, erika Freethy, Sadie Frunzi, Lisa Gabell, Rakel Galeano, meters Galgano, ernest Gallagher, Ian Gardepe, Benjamin Gendelman, Dominique Gennaro, Katelyn Gibbs, patrick Gilligan, Kayla Gilpin, Robert Goble, Corey Goodwin, Danielle Grdich, Shane Greene, joseph Gregor, Matthew Gregory, luke Grim, Brittany Grimmer, Anthony Guerrieri, Matthew Guinard, eliza Gunnip, Evan Haggarty, Adam Haig, jones Hamby, Lauren Hammond, Kimberly Hanf, Shane Hansen, Melissa Harkins, Emily Haupt, elizabeth Henry, Julia Hessling, Gabriella Hoopingarner, Jessica Hoppenstedt, cheap celine bags captain christopher Irving, Kasey Lyn manley, Kimberly Jones, Taylor Jones, william Jones, Chelsea kelly, Pavel Kholodov, Hannah Kliokis, Devin Knowles, jack port Kreyling, Karen Kudlowicz, jacob LaFave, Emily Lanthier, Kelsie Larkins, Courtney LaSpisa, Marc Lewandowski, sterling Lewis, Tyler Linden, Anthony LoConte, Ashley Loomis, william MacDonald, Nickole Mann, Jaime Manzo, Alexander Marrero, Jovan Marshall, johnson Martin, Nicole Martinez, Emily Martone, Nicole Massaro, Jeffrey Maurer, Samantha Maurice, Sharon Mauro, Shayne McCormack, Brian McCray, Matthew McDonald, Dylan McElhenny, Skyler McKane, thomas McLain, daphne McPhail, Zachary Meling, the alexa company Mihalik, Jessicalynn burns, Morgan miller, Christina Mosiniak, Steven Motz, Rachel Mruczkewycz, Bryan Mujica Ayala, Brianna Myrick, Nadia Neary, Riley Neenan, Toni Ann Neglia, Francisco Novoa, Shane Oakley, christopher O'Connor, belief Oleynikov, Zachary Olsommer, chris are friends,james swiss replica watches Ortiz, richard Palma, Nate Palmer, Sonia Palyo, adam Panzella, Emily Paparazzo, Felicidad paris, france,venice Mora, of Friday, Graduates had a chance to go into the past and leave their stamp on the present, As they became the 50th graduation class in the school's history, Before getting into their future.
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