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  Gorilla Tag
03/05/2024 09:16 GMT

Abandon thoughts of meticulously groomed landscapes and grand quests. Gorilla Tag is a very immersive experience in a virtual jungle that is unique and distinct from any other. It offers a dynamic playground where the distinction between the one pursuing and the one being pursued becomes comically ambiguous. This VR experience is far from ordinary; it is an exhilarating game of tag that is intensified to the extreme. In this game, you assume the role of a mischievous gorilla and torment your human targets.

Imagine a vibrant and dense overhead covering filled with joyful laughter and frenzied cries. You, an agile primate, effortlessly navigate through the foliage. Below, humans of considerable weight and size scramble with great urgency on their two legs, but their awkward efforts to climb are no match for your agile and nimble ape-like swiftness. You swiftly and forcefully strike a human with a playful (or potentially aggressive) movement of your hand and emit a raw, instinctive cry, causing them to fall to the ground in the forest.

However, gorilla tag is not merely characterized by indiscriminate destruction. Acquiring expertise in the art of locomotion is crucial for achieving superiority. To succeed, it is imperative that you strategize your assaults, propel yourself swiftly through the trees, and outwit your human adversaries. Get ready for thrilling times as you glide through the jungle, along with moments of laughter from both you and others, as both parties enjoy the excitement and occasional annoyance of virtual movement.